Requirements Testing

UAT Service

Sometimes to referred to as "user acceptance testing" (UAT), requirements testing is executed to assess whether all the requirements listed in your specifications are met in the final product.

Sometimes, system requirements get lost in translation and software developers misunderstand the business requirements. By performing requirements testing, PSP ensures all your expectations of the system are met, whether it was developed unique to your business or purchased off the shelf.

UAT Service
Managed Service

Managed Service

At PSP, we work with all types of businesses to help them with User Acceptance Testing. Our full-service team of QAs use the most advanced tools and technologies to ensure highly-optimised and excellent software.

We provide requirements testing as a managed service which involves developing a structured, rigorous test plan that gives you confidence all your business requirements are met.

The project begins with an analysis of business requirements, which is then used to identify various scenarios which verify the system meets its business requirements. These test scenarios are then carried out by the QAs, which document test case approaches and the timelines of testing.

Test cases are executed internally, where we record the results and re-test as soon as bugs are fixed. Our reports are provided to the client, in full, and clearly outlines how each unique business requirement is met within the functionality of the software.

Maximum UAT Coverage for Your Business

We provide UAT across multiple platforms, including web apps, mobile apps and desktop apps. With PSP, you can focus on your business and leave user acceptance testing to experts in quality assurance.

We have a full team of industry professionals who use cutting-edge tools to maximise the effectiveness of UAT and improve the accuracy of the results. Our own analytical approach helps us align our QA process perfectly with your unique set of business requirements.

By prioritising the bugs and patches that are most critical to your business operations, our outsourced UAT service is a cost-effective way to make certain that your application is providing value to your business and not impacting the day-to-day running of your organisation.

Maximum UAT Coverage for Your Business
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