Arrow Films Website

Arrow Films is a leading Independent distributor of world cinema, cult, arthouse, horror and classic films established in 1991.

The primary need for Arrow films was to invest in a new website that would be capable of showcasing the extensive range of film products they have available to purchase; classic cult films in DVD and Blu-Ray formats, film handbooks and other merchandise. With such a large and diverse product group it was important that PSP developed a really clear, easy to navigate website which presented the products in the most attractive way for the customer.


Following on from the initial discussions with Arrow films, the following specific requirements were identified and incorporated into the design and build of the new website.

  •  New website that would display and showcase in detail, their extensive range of films and merchandise available to purchase from their website.
  • Evolving content Arrow can self-administer both quickly and easily ensuring the latest special offers, news articles and latest cinema releases can all be added to the site in-house.
  • Customer driven account content where the customer can create an account, create  their own personal wish lists, subscribe to newsletters  make purchases, check the balance of their reward points and ultimately make purchases or pre-order goods.
  • Separate reporting and administration back end to the website where at any time of day or night the appointed administration team members can run reports, update stock levels, and add new items of merchandise, administer costs and postage.


Arrow Film's new website is an asset to their distribution business with its bright, easy to use interface and full E-Commerce functionality. Customers can purchase products, earning rewards on their purchases and have their purchases sent anywhere around the world. Customers can also browse an evolving events page displaying information on current and upcoming events of particular special interest to film fans.

The addition of a film review area gives customers the opportunity to select a film and see details relating to the cast and crew members, plot description, extra details and associated trailer to see a snapshot of what is to come. The film review section is ever-growing and expanding into a comprehensive resource of film paraphernalia.

All these content areas combined make for a great browsing and purchasing experience for the customer.


The benefits to Arrow Films are many;

  • A brand new Responsive web-site which is visually informative and easy to navigate.
  • A one stop shop for film fans.
  • A FAQs page where customers can find help on their particular enquiry.
  • A news page where customers can be updated on the latest news articles relating to items of interest Arrow have posted on this page.
  • A cinema page where visitors to the site can see what is on the cinema currently, coming soon and past releases.
  • A search page where you can enter a particular title for the site to find.
  • A contact page which lists helpful email addresses for specific enquiries, alternatively a contact form where the user can enter their enquiry.
  • Social media links, where posts can be uploaded, competitions set, feedback from viewers etc.
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