1st October 2019

Unprecedented Interest In Our Employee Email Monitoring Dashboard

Unprecedented Interest In Our Employee Email Monitoring Dashboard

We’re seeing an unprecedented number of enquiries about our employee email tracking tool, Outlook Tracker, as CEOs and Senior Management learn about the impressive competitive advantage that our tracking software offers.
Employees in this day and age are constantly being hit by email after email and with no-one able to measure and manage this demand, it is having an enormous effect on their productivity.

And we mean a really HUMUNGOUS effect.

A study by Adobe found that the average employee spends:
• 3.1 hours per day
• 15.5 hours per week
• 20 weeks per year

And the crazy thing???? Until we created Outlook Tracker, there was no easy way to measure and manage this wasted time. Managers talked about it, team leaders worried about it and CEOs worked with IT teams to set up ways of measuring it. But solutions were time-consuming and retrospective.
And time is money, and money is haemorrhaging away…

In real time
Outlook Email Tracker allows managers and team leaders to see, in real time, exactly what emails each employee is receiving, the reasons for those emails, and the employee’s response times to each. Outlook Email Tracker will also monitor shared mailboxes, so that you can ensure that everyone is doing their share and that important emails aren’t being missed or ignored.
You will be able to measure SLAs, KPIs or other targets and set new, tighter targets. You’ll be safe in the knowledge that, from the comfort of your desk, using your Outlook Tracker dashboard, you can see if these targets are being met with the click of a mouse. You can ensure that customer emails are being responded to, to meet, or exceed, expectations.

But surely this is encroaching on your employee’s privacy, you think???
Outlook Email Tracker will only record email subject lines and the reasons for the emails, not the entire content itself. So Employee privacy is protected and there are no GDPR data complications.
And, Outlook Email Tracker is
• Unique
• Simple
• Affordable (£200 or less per license)

Visit the Outlook Tracker website to find out more about Outlook Tracker or get in touch to book a free online demo.

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