20th June 2014

SharePoint 2013 on-site training and workshop for The Binding Site

PSP have successfully delivered two training sessions for The Binding Site supporting implementation of their new SharePoint 2013 IT system.

The training session was delivered to two groups of nine people from various departments across the business. The event started with a presentation from The Binding Site companies IT Manager, followed by a demonstration from PSP on the new Intranet.

This was then followed by a workshop for the attendees to familiarise themselves with the new Intranet and its functionality system. User guides produced by PSP were used to support the learning process, enabling attendees to follow step-by-step guidelines.

The training day was a complete success and The Binding Site is planning to Go-Live at the end of June 2014 with phase two development planned for later in the year. This is the 3rd SharePoint development PSP have carried out this year with a 4th SharePoint 2013 Intranet development planned to Go-Live next week for Habinteg Housing Association.

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