6th May 2016

PSP to support Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM)

PSP to support Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM)

Joe Verde, CEO, said

"We are delighted to have secured this really important opportunity and look forward to working closely with CICM over the coming months."

Director of Marketing and Business Development for CICM, Peter Collinson, said

"Our decision to use PSP was driven by their nearby location, breadth of technical skills, and a proven track record in providing similar services to another professional association which is also an awarding body."

The Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM) is Europe’s largest professional association for the credit community.  Formed over 75 years ago, the Institute was granted its Royal Charter in 2014. The trusted leader in expertise for all credit and collections matters, it represents the profession across trade, consumer and international credit, and all credit-related services. (Source: www.cicm.com)

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