11th March 2015

PSP - NEW Responsive Website Navigation

PSP - NEW Responsive Website Navigation

Changes include larger buttons, colourful icons reflected in the desktop version, a search functionality and a menu ‘close’ button so users can navigate our content with ease. Take a look for yourself on a smartphone or tablet!

What is a responsive website design (RWD)?

Responsive website design is a website design grid system made up of fluid and flexible images, written content and media.

Essentially the website detects what type of device or screen size the website is being viewed from and outputs the website content by re-organising the content to fit that screen size perfectly. The user can then navigate the website with ease… exactly how it was designed to!

One of the main benefits of a responsive website design is the ability to only manage one set of content, it is only ever the design rules in the background that change.

How is a mobile website different to a responsive website design?

Every tried to click very tiny navigation buttons on a website you are using on a smartphone?

A mobile website is a website that this specifically designed for mobile devices e.g. tablets and smartphones. Usually organisation have a mobile website developed because they realise that their existing website doesn’t render well on mobile devices but don’t want to loose potential customers because of technology advancements. With a mobile website it is likely that you will be managing two sets of content, your main website and a reduced content mobile version of your website. Find out more about mobile websites.

 Responsive website design offers great advantages, here are just a few:

  • Improved design.
  • Save on website development time.
  • Enhanced user experience.
  • Save you money on unnecessary development.
  • Appeal to a wider audience on tablets and smartphones.
  • Improved visibility in the search engines.
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