29th March 2017

PSP Go Global !

PSP Go Global !

PSP - Go Global!

This week has been an exciting week for PSP with the signing of two new Global clients!

The new clients – from Holland and Romania– are from different industries.

The clients have both purchased Outlook Tracker software to enable them to track and analyse their e-mail volume and activity.

Outlook Tracker is a software product developed by PSP IT Design and Development and the development of this software product helped us to achieve the status of Microsoft Silver Application Partner  .

The product has recently been demonstrated to companies in the USA, Canada, India, Australia and the Philippines.  We are expecting our first client from the USA to be signing up imminently!

To find out more about how the software could benefit your business, please visit www.outlooktracker.co.uk  or call 01775 722377 for an online demonstration.  


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