Congratulations to the whole PSP team for their continued support and dedication in helping us achieve Investors in People Bronze Award.
A thorough desktop review, on-site visits and reports were carried out to assess our strategies, core values, training, business development, KPI's, leadership and management. Performance and continuous improvement plans will ensure we maintain our Bronze award status.
About Investors in People
Investors in People specialises in transforming business performance through people. Their mission is to help businesses achieve the results they want by focusing on your business objectives, and maintaining continuous improvement. Investors in People is a Standard, a framework of best practice that is outcome focused. It outlines what you need to achieve but never prescribes how, making it truly flexible regardless of your size or sector. Find out more about Investors in People here.
What Investors in People had to say about us...
This is a visionary and ambitious company with a clear purpose and strong set of core values. It is ably led by two experienced directors, passionate about their business, who are supported by a dedicated team who share the ambition and values of the company. There is ‘energy‘ and ‘enthusiasm’ in the whole team and this is reflected in the growth and plans for development. Rich evidence for the requirements of the Core Standard readily surfaced during the assessment of this learning-centred company and this was also the case for the additional evidence. The company did very well for a first assessment.
What does this mean for our customers?
Working with Investors in People is proven to improve financial performance, productivity and profitability. We hope to improve all areas of our business which will in turn help us manage change, productivity, quality and customer loyalty.
Bronze Award
Investors in People Bronze Award is just the start, we plan to continually improve our standards and strive to maintain performance across all sectors towards Silver and Gold status by meeting additional evidence requirements across the framework.