13th April 2021

Your spreadsheet has errors (almost 90% do)

Your spreadsheet has errors (almost 90% do)

Almost 90% (88%) of spreadsheet documents contain errors, according to various studies over the past few years.

On paper, programmes such as Microsoft Excel make it easy for anyone to build spreadsheets with complex formulas to make calculations and track progress.

However, even the most painstakingly thorough spreadsheets have “significant” errors in them. Most of these were human errors – meaning they could have been completely avoided by using the right programme.

When it comes to working in a spreadsheet, there are almost infinite number of ways that you can mess things up. As well as a user entering inaccurate data, they can make an error when inputting a formula, or even open up the wrong spreadsheet entirely!

Request a free trial of eMark


Are you an exam administrator using Excel to track papers?

Stop. You may want to pause before going any further.

When using Excel, all it takes is the wrong input (or a computer fault) and candidate data can be lost or inaccurate. Not only do mistakes risks the loss of papers and overdue marks, it also piles on extra stress and labour for you and your team.

These may seem like minor effects of miscalculation, but these can have much greater implications to your finances and association's reputation. Even minor mistakes can cost companies millions of pounds, or ruin someone's career.

There's also this scenario: you enter data into a shared spreadsheet, only to realise it's currently in use and you can't save it. You have to decide between closing down the spreadsheet and losing your unsaved progress, or saving a second version of the file. You then end up with multiple copies of the same spreadsheet and nobody knows which is the most up to date one!

Real time tracking of exam papers

What's the alternative?

You need an automated software that digitally distributes papers for you and tracks their progress on an interactive, real-time dashboard.

Luckily, this is possible!

eMark is a web-based tool that sends papers to examiners based on set criteria – including their languages, qualifications and availability – and lets you re-allocate and moderate with just the click of a mouse.

Your real-time dashboard lets you see how many papers are out for marking, who’s marking them and their status.

You don’t have to worry about overdue papers slipping under the radar either, as you are sent an email alert for every paper which is overdue.

eMark was built alongside a global health and safety qualification-awarding body. From working with education providers for more than a decade, we have developed a thorough understanding of the entire examination process; from question paper creation, to the moment when students receive their results.

Watch this short explainer video to find out more about eMark.

Email: letstalk@psp-it.co.uk or phone 01775 722377 to request a one month free trial.

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