16th December 2020

Outdated technology is killing your institute - 5 areas to improve

Outdated technology is killing your institute - 5 areas to improve

Technologies are advancing at a rapid rate and education providers should always be adapting to new technologies. As a decision maker, the choice between new and old technology products can be overwhelming.

The problem is, as available technology improves, your candidates expect your institute to adapt to new technologies.

In fact, 91% people said they’d stop doing business with a company because of its outdated technology.

Here are five areas of your organisation which can be improved with an updated system from your legacy:

  • Finance – Manage invoices, student payments and billing all in one place. PSP developed self-billing for assessors for one major chartered institute, which substantially reduced manual work and help them manage their finances.
  • Exam and events management – Tools such as this venue management tool developed by PSP for the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) eliminated the headache when booking venues for its 200,000 members across 150 countries. The clever algorithm combines the amount of bookings, plus the venues’ contracts and pricing models to calculate the order value for every venue and sends automatics purchase orders to the respective venues.
  • Membership and Candidate information – Not only do candidates have the ability to book and pay for their membership online, a central system lets your staff manage candidate details in one place. Staff can view exam results, student progress, billing information, personal details and more. Leading to increased staff efficiency, reduced costs and a more streamlined workflow.
  • eMarking – Working alongside a major education provider, we built a fully-functional system that streamlined the entire examination process. eMark provides exam teams with a centralised operating system which automatically distributes papers and tracks their progress.


"EdTech is not a silver bullet. In the 21st century, it should be seen as an inseparable thread woven throughout the processes of teaching and learning. It’s senseless to pretend it isn’t something that every teacher and every learner uses, every day. What we should concentrate on is when and in which ways it is best deployed to support these processes."

Dominic Norrish – Group Director of Technology, United Learning Trust


An updated Legacy system brings all your processes together under one roof and manages the day-to-day operations of a business. Higher learning institutions adopt and implement CRM systems to help attract, retain and serve their clients in the best way possible.

A CRM lets you manage the complete student lifecycle from one single platform so you can easily keep track of student details such as:

  • Exam results
  • Course student is admitted to
  • Examination bookings
  • Academic documents

PSP has adapted its own VISION CRM system for education providers to provide online marking, competency assessments and a fully-functioning system which covers membership, finance, events and venue booking.

An LMS (Learning Management Software) is a tool used to create, manage and deliver course content. The importance of an LMS is major when you need to deliver standardised or consistent training across multiple locations.

It is also possible to integrate your CRM and LMS. This can play a huge part of an organisation’s success and provide greater benefits.

As well as improving your business processes, an updated centralised system can also improve your candidate experience.

Students of all ages expect convenience and ease when booking exams and membership. Being able to manage their details on mobile devices is a necessity and having up to date technology encourages repeat customer and makes users more likely to refer your institute.


PSP - Pioneers in Education Sector


Don't know where to start with updating your organisation's technology? PSP has provided bespoke IT and legacy software support to chartered institutes for more than a decade.

There are many challenges and fears education providers face with updating their tech. However, with a structured, coherent and well-managed plan, these obstacles can easily be overcome.

PSP-IT is adept at understanding a business to create fit for purpose IT solutions that meet their exact needs. Our work with education providers includes:

  • Online e-marking
  • Venue Management Cost Control
  • Website with global Ecommerce, events, membership and exam booking
  • Business Analysis support
  • Online Competency Assessment
  • Legacy takeover, maintenance and support

Speak to our team of professionals to find out more. Call 01775 722377, or email: sales@psp-it.co.uk

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