One thing that must always be valued and that is your mistakes. We are only human, so of course mistakes are made, but at PSP IT we want to give the best possible product or application as well as service, therefore we do our best to ensure that we never repeat our mistakes not only personally but also as a team/company. The mistakes will help move us forward as we can learn from them. Here at PSP IT we pride ourselves on Quality and this is why…
How can you stop yourself or your team making the same mistake again?
We have our very own innovative system called VISION, this system alongside others, allows us to record any mistakes made on the projects we are working on, how much time was spent rectifying the mistakes, it also allows us to add a solution, this allows us to monitor what mistakes are being made, who by and why! So find a way to record these mistakes and you can learn lots from them and ensure they won’t be made again.
Quality is a high focus at PSP and we have to ensure that once we have learned something doesn’t work or is incorrect that we can rectify it or find a new way of completing the task in hand. We have an internal Quality Manager and have procedures for some of the tasks we complete which help to enable us to ensure we are doing things correctly thus avoiding making mistakes. If we were to find that the procedure no longer works, we would correct this and send it to our Quality Manager to re-issue – this is another way of us ensuring that others within the company do not make the same mistake.
So let this help you to make fewer mistakes in the future! Use these methods to help you and your colleagues to learn from your mistakes and turn them into a positive for any future work that you carry out.