7th January 2021

National Clean Your desk Day - January 11, 2021

National Clean Your desk Day - January 11, 2021

National Clean Your Desk Day – January 11, 2021


Is your desk looking like a tornado ripped through the room? Next Monday is the perfect time for you to start the year right by giving your desk a complete clean.

National Clean Your Desk Day is all about prepping your workspace ready for the new year and starting things on the right foot. A messy desk is an invitation for chaos and disruption.

A clean desk, however, helps you be focused, more productive and gives you the right headspace to do your job properly.

At the moment, most office workers are working from home. However, there things you can do to give your home office the spring clean it truly deserves – and probably needs.


Away with the junk!

Bin, recycle or shred or recycle unneeded paperwork and old files. This doesn’t just mean physical either. Your computer is included in that too. Delete old files, drag folders and emails into folders, and clear out your inbox.


Declutter and Organise

Now you’ve done away with the physical and computer junk, it’s time to start giving everything its place.

A clear space leads to a clear head. The last thing you need in a busy working day is to trawl through piles of paper to find that sales report, or try to search through hundreds of emails when you need to find some information.

And don’t forget to mark January 10, 2022 in your calendar for next year’s date!

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