29th April 2022

MemberWise Digital Excellence Report: What's Holding Back Membership?

MemberWise Digital Excellence Report: What's Holding Back Membership?

PSP is proud to be a MemberWise recognised supplier for two consecutive years.

Their Digital Excellence 2022 report took a detailed look into digital transformation within the membership sector. Over 100 managers and directors took part in the research, which looked at where the membership was excelling and where it needed to focus its efforts.


Inadequate Website and Membership Management System Integration Holding Back Membership

As part of its research, the membership network found that inadequate website and membership management system integration was the second biggest obstacle holding the organisations back.

There isn't a membership organisation out there that wouldn't benefit from a better Membership CRM system. They manage the entire membership lifecycle, allow you to measure member engagement, automate laborious or tedious administrative tasks and keep your member data secure.

It can be argued that not just any CRM would do, when it comes to membership. Working within the membership sector, we know too well that there are many aspects of the day-to-day and long term operations of a membership body that your system must cover. 


Key features and why it must talk to the website


PSP IT has worked with some of the UK's largest chartered institutes and membership for more than a decade. We have provided many services, including developing membership websites and membership management systems.

By integrating the membership management system with their website, the two systems can "talk to each other" and share data to streamline the membership management process. The powerful integration projects we undertaken on theor behalf means their members and students are able to benefit from the following:

  • Find their nearest exam centre and book online
  • Find their nearest training provider
  • View entire course history
  • Access learning materials
  • Make payments for exams, learning materials and membership
  • Online grade calculator
  • View assessment results
  • Make payments through vouchers


Being custom-made to each client, our membership CRM system includes many features, including:

  • Self-billing for examiners
  • Manage membership level
  • Ticket management
  • Manage assessors
  • Automatically updates student details when updated from the website/CRM
  • Question paper production
  • Remote invigilation
  • Produce vouchers in bulk for students to use when paying
  • Services for training providers to enter cohorts onto assessments
  • Automatic member renewals
  • Predicted grades on student portal
  • Event management
  • Online exam marking


We developed our Membership CRM system and web services to be easily integrated with third-party applications and partners. Including:

  • btl Surpass
  • TestReach
  • psi
  • Pearson Vue
  • Stephen Austin
  • Linney


Start your integration project today. Lets talk

Our project support team are ready to talk your call today. Phone 01775 722377 or email letstalk@psp-it.co.uk.

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