30th July 2020

Is it time to update your Legacy system?

Is it time to update your Legacy system?

With COVID-19 proving the importance of digital transformation, now is a better time than ever to evaluate your current legacy system. Is it causing you problems? Or maybe you just want to know what your options are when you have a legacy system that needs rewriting, replacing or modernising?

From increased security risk, incompatibility with new technologies, to even a negative company perception, there are many reasons why an outdated Legacy system should be replaced or updated.

Undertaking such a big project requires plenty of things to consider to ensure a smooth transition from the old to the new. Here are vital aspects to the switch over you will need to regard:

Structured Plan

One of the most fundamental parts of successfully updating or replacing your legacy system is in the planning. Having a structured plan in place will map the journey from your old system to the new, ensuring that your system updates run smoothly.

How to plan for your IT legacy system project

User Acceptance and Training

Legacy users are typically settled with their system, often creating their own shortcuts and processes in or around the system. The best way to overcome user challenges is to receive feedback from current users and include any features or shortcut in the new system, regardless of whether they were not planned or required in the new system.

Legacy system support, migration and takeover


Swapping tech solutions from legacy to an updated version can cause disruptions to workflow while users find their way around the new software. User problems, manual work and apprehension are not always considered in the initial planning. At the planning stage, consider how changes might affect users and what can be done to minimise the disruption.

Improve teamwork and efficiency within your business with an improved IT system and software

Data Migration

Transferring existing data from your current legacy system to the new software is essential for keeping all your information in one place. An important aspect to a successful takeover is being able to export existing data into the new system smoothly and securely.

PSP-IT can takeover your legacy system and migrate your old data to the new, updated software

Avoiding Downtime

Removing, updating, or replacing legacy systems can cause downtime, leading to a big disturbance within the workplace and potentially a temporary loss of income. Planning your switchover for a time that will cause as little interruption as possible can greatly save your business from lost time and revenue. It will also ensure workers’ workflow will be minimally impacted.

Avoid downtime when updated your IT systems

Return of investment

Successfully updating or replacing your legacy system is likely to lead to increased productivity within the workplace and an improvement in customer service, potentially leading to further income. It is vital to assess the ROI to fully understand the extra value you will be getting from your new system.

Updating your outdated legacy or computer systems can save your business money in the long term

PSP-IT has a strong level of experience in taking over complicated legacy systems and supports many different types of systems, software, and processes.
Sometimes new isn’t always better and there are times when a legacy system fits the purpose better than a new product. We are skilled at providing an extra resource when staff move on unexpectedly or you need an additional pair of hands.

For more information, visit our Legacy System Support page.


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