There are many very good reasons to write a company blog, and there are many ways of choosing the subject matter and approaching the creation of the content.
In this post, we’re looking at SEO friendly blog posts written with the sole intention of improving SEO.
As part of monitoring your website, you should always be checking to see how you are ranking in the search engines results pages for your chosen search terms and key words or phrases. If you are not ranking well, then you will need to address that. One of the best ways of doing this is to write a blog post built around a chosen subject area.
This will improve SEO almost as soon as the page is indexed and if the main web page relating to the subject matter is not ranking well, the blog post should bring in people to the website instead.
Choosing the title of your SEO friendly blog post
This is the most important part of writing an SEO friendly blog post. Log in to Google Ads and go on to their keyword tool. If you don’t have a Google Ads account, or know how to access Google Ads, see here. Or use one of the many other free online keyword tools such as wordtracker.
Enter your key phrase or words and see what other keywords or phrases similar to yours are shown. You will also be able to see how often per month they have been used to search in Google and how competitive the phrases are in terms of pay per click advertising. You need to look for keywords with a high number of searches per month and a low to medium level of competition.
Once you have selected a couple of options, choose one and use it as your keyword or phrase throughout the whole blog post.
Structure of the post
The chosen keywords should be in the main title (h1) of the page. Try and make this a question that people would use to type in to google to find out about the subject area you have chosen. With many more people using voice search now, choose a question that people might say when they are searching.
Break the post up into different sections with subheadings and use the chosen key words in at least one subheading (ensure this is tagged h2). Also use the keywords at least 3 times in the main body of the article and all images used should have the chosen keywords added as alt tags.
If possible, try and add link to other pages in your website and link to the new blog post from other pages in your website. Also add links to relevant information on other, non-competing websites.
Try to write at least 300 words without rambling – keep it concise. Keep sentences short and to the point. Ensure that it reads well – Google will penalise poor writing and obvious “keyword stuffing”.
Meta data
Ensure that the key words are in the URL and keep URLs short. Also add the key phrase into the meta description. Although this is not thought to be a ranking factor in Google’s algorithm, if the description matches closely what is in the post, this will help with perceived relevance. And highly relevant pages are ranked more highly.
As mentioned above, ensure that the alt tags (what the images are “called” in the coding) include the key words and double check heading (h1 and h2) tags.
Useful checklist for writing an SEO friendly blog post
So there you have a complete list of how to write an SEO friendly blog post. Depending on how wisely you chose your keywords and how competitive your sector is, if you follow this advice, your post should end up on the first page of Google for your exact chosen phrase within a few weeks. If it doesn’t, re-examine the keywords in one of the keyword tools and choose alternatives, following the same procedure. It should only require minimal changes to the wording.
Copy and paste this checklist somewhere you can easily access whenever you write a blog post:
1. Visit a keyword tool and select your keywords or phrase
2. Include the keywords in the h1 header
3. Include in at least one subheading (h2)
4. Use the keywords in the meta title (URL) and meta description
5. Use the keywords in all alt tags
6. Add links to and from other pages on your website
7. Link to other pages not on your website if useful
8. Keep sentences short and concise
9. Write at least 300 words
10. Ensure that it reads well