One of the most fascinating practical sessions at the recent #GoDigital Conference 2018 in Lincoln centred around local Lincolnshire businesses use of Apps in their daily work life so we thought it might be interesting to look at a few here.
Lead Forensics
The beating heart of any business is the sales team who constantly work ‘sales funnels’ to try and find new customers interested in their products and services. Lead Forensics software analyses anonymous website traffic and gathers data about the visitor including industry sector, contact details, company size, visit duration and pathways and repeat visits. Information is delivered live by email to allow sales people to react quickly to turn interest into appointments. Lead Forensics claim to work within the new GDPR guidelines.
Salesforce is an extremely powerful and intuitive CRM system used by numerous SMEs in the UK and beyond. It was known to most delegates at the #GoDigital conference and in fact used by PSP-IT staff in previous roles. But (and it’s a big BUT) everyone complained about the high price of the monthly license fees which put it beyond the budget for a lot of local companies. At PSP-IT we use our own proprietary CRM system VISION which we believe delivers just as powerful performance at a more cost-effective price.
A new one for us, Docusign claims to ‘move business forward securely and reliably’ by enabling customers to review and sign electronic contracts and thus allowing for digital transaction management in real time. This has obvious implications on cost savings and efficiency for any business providing it can integrate with companies CRM and automated accounts systems. One company presenting at the conference attested that they signed 95% of their contracts in this way.
Workplace by Facebook
Yes, we know everyone loves to hate Facebook at the moment but Workplace by Facebook looks like a genuinely useful tool to improve workplace communication. At PSP-IT we are fully focussed on productivity and have an in-house policy of restricting mobile phone usage at the work station – it sounds harsh but actually is immensely freeing to not feel bound to check social media or chat groups every two minutes. And because our friends and family know of this policy, we tend to have far more meaningful conversations out of work. Workplace by Facebook is a collaborative technology with useful functionality such as Workplace Chat bots, Live webinars across sites, news feeds and polling groups to allow companies to work smarter without distractions.
These were just a few of the apps cited by delegates at the conference – we’re sure you have your own to add to the list. Or why not investigate some of these to seem if you can improve productivity in the workplace. Alternatively you could try developing your own and become an App billionaire!