COVID-19 had a substantial impact on exam distribution and marking sector; causing stress, delays and missed opportunities.
With the UK facing the beginning of 2021 in the current ‘tier’ system, the disruption to the education sector is set to continue.
Education providers, Awarding Organisations and Chartered Institutes oversaw “two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months*” during the first UK lockdown because of remote working. That’s according to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadele.
100% Digital and contact-free solution
The good news among all this uncertainty is that eMark can solve these issues by offering a completely online platform that saves time, money and stresseMarking provides awarding bodies with a high-quality candidate experience and saves time for increased efficiency. eMark is a clever tool that automatically distributes papers to examiners based on set criteria and alerts administrators to overdue papers
With online marking, examiners can safely send scripts to examiners by avoiding contact. eMarking distributes papers within seconds and saves on operational costs such as shipping. It is also secure, so you don’t need to worry about data being compromised.
As eMarking significantly lowers the resource required for administration, users claim they recover the initial cost very quickly. The use of eMarking software is thought to reduce workload by more than 50% and produces 85% fewer CO2 emissions than regular methods
Makes working life easier
The software is very easy to use and can be up and running within 48 hours, helping to alleviate COVID-19 chaos and keep your institute performing efficiently. The platform manages the entire exam paper marking process by sharing papers based on the rules that you set, moulding your work procedures and processes.
With eMark, you can stop filling in spreadsheets and manually tracking late papers. The real-time dashboard reports the status of every paper and it alerts you to any overdue papers; which you can re-allocate with the click of a mouse.
Built alongside Chartered Institutes
PSP worked with some of the largest chartered institutes in the country, as well as a globally recognised health, safety and environmental qualification-awarding organisation to build eMark.
The online marking tool streamlines the entire examination process, meaning that customers can manage, rather than administrate.
The online application automatically distributes papers out to assessors based on set criteria and tracks the status of every paper. The system alerts administrators of any overdue papers, which they can re-allocate with just a click.
To find out more about eMark, and see how it can save your institute, contact us here: