Standing out from the crowd is important when it comes to your customer services department!

Here at People Systems and Process (PSP), we pride ourselves on the work that our customer service team provides to both our existing clients, and of course our prospective clients. Each phone call, query or meeting is done with a smile and a willingness to help in every way possible.

So how can you go the extra mile?

  • Treat each client like they are your only client – make sure they know that you want to help them, you want to answer their questions or resolve their query. On a day-to-day basis you will have a number of different scenario’s and it is key to make sure everyone is your priority.

  • Manners and body language – you may find yourself in a tiresome position after numerous queries back to back from a number of clients, of course ensure you stick to the above point but you must do it with a smile and be polite! Nothing is more important than your manners, you cannot make the client happy if you are rude to them…

  • Keep your client updated – in some scenario’s you may not be able to help the client on the phone right there and then or within that meeting, it might be something that you need to take back to the team or log on an internal helpdesk system. In this instance, don’t leave the client hanging… let them know what you are going to do and ensure you keep them updated throughout the time that the query is in your hands. This will give the client the trust that you are trying to resolve their issue in a timely manner and its not been forgotten – this again goes back to the first point within this blog.


You will always find that your clients are going to talk about the bad experiences they have – so don’t give them any, this way you can always count on them talking about how brilliant your customer service is!

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