2nd July 2018

Gizza Job!

Gizza Job!

We have recently had the pleasure of a student from University Academy Holbeach for a week’s work experience. We set him to work across the company observing the way in which we work and how we communicate and develop projects. At the end of the week, we asked him to comment on what he’d learned from the experience…

I am currently in Year 12 at the University Academy Holbeach studying CISCO and Media. I approached PSP-IT via email in October 2017 with the view to completing my week-long work experience with the company. My main aim was to gain knowledge of how IT programming and website development is implemented in a workplace environment and to work alongside more experienced personnel to gain a better insight into whether this was an area that I would wish to pursue in the future.
I was invited for an initial interview and was successful in securing my work placement for June 2018. I was in regular contact with the company between my interview and beginning my week with them to ensure that everything was still in place for me to complete my work experience.
I was welcomed on the first day, completed an induction walk and introduced to everyone within the business. I entered this week with an open mind as to what I may gain. During this week I have worked alongside people in all areas of the business including testing of new and existing customer websites and looking at the design phase of new client’s website. I have also been involved in writing specification documents as well as giving input of updating the company’s own website. During all of this I have been encouraged to both share my knowledge and gain new knowledge and have always been made to feel that I am a valued member of the team and treated as an equal. Everyone has been eager to offer help when I have needed it as well as listen to my input during tasks. I have also been trusted to complete independent tasks within the business, thus being able to demonstrate my skills in the workplace.
At PSP-IT, the communication between the departments is key in delivering the product on time to the client. Throughout this work experience week I have improved on already existing communication skills that I may have learnt elsewhere. These skills are important to all walks of life, therefore aiding me no matter what path I chose to go down.
This experience has given me the confidence to be more open to sharing my own knowledge with others and not be afraid to ask for advice from more experienced personnel if needed. It has also shown me how my studies are implemented in a work place environment and has shown me how working in a team can achieve much more when knowledge is shared.
This area of the county has a low level of skilled IT workers as larger businesses in the more populated cities (like Lincoln) offer apprenticeships whilst still studying alongside gaining workplace experience. This leads to rural students leaving the area and travelling further afield to study at larger universities and then rarely returning to this area of the country to work. I think this gap within the market could be reduced with the greater implementation of apprenticeships that allow the student to study towards a recognised qualification in more rural areas. Both the company and the student would gain in this scheme as a good working relationship would be formed and the student would be more likely to remain within the area after completing their apprenticeship.

We wish our work experience student well in his future career and we're sure he will be a great success! 


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