17th December 2019

Fun Elf Day Helps To Raise Funds For Charity

Fun Elf Day Helps To Raise Funds For Charity

Running a business isn’t all about making money, especially at this time of year. Here at PSP, we support four charities throughout the year, both with regular payments and through fundraising activities.

We also support other causes, such as our recent Elf Day in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society, which raised £85, and was a lot of fun! Over the course of the year we’ve raised over £650 for the Alzheimer’s Society.

We also support:

• Barnardo’s
• Marie Curie
• Dementia UK
• The Brain Tumour Charity

In addition, Joe Verde and Brett Caruso, owners of PSP IT Design & Development, always donate gifts for local underprivileged children. This year they gave over £350 worth of gifts for all age groups to the Giving Tree in Peterborough.

As Joe, CEO, said; “Although many businesses are always focused on the balance sheets, we would urge them to think about all the people that are less fortunate than they are and do something that will help others. If all UK businesses donated more to charities every year, it would make a big difference to a significant amount of people.”


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