31st January 2019

Customer Service Performance Software Attracts Global Interest

Customer Service Performance Software Attracts Global Interest

PSP-IT’s customer service performance software, Outlook Email Tracker is attracting interest from across the globe, predominantly from multi-billion-pound enterprises in a diverse range of industries. The software is ideal for businesses with large volumes of email communication and gives users the ability to monitor customer service performance. Outlook Email Tracker measures email volume against criteria selected by the organisation, giving users a valuable insight into how promptly business emails are dealt with. Identifying the root cause of email using category tags, it makes communication work harder for the organisation.

The map shows above the locations of organisations that are currently considering Outlook Email Tracker installation. This is just so far this year, during January!

Wide range of industries

Businesses currently investigating Outlook Email Tracker come from a diverse range of industries including:

• Industrial flooring
• Finance
• Materials handling
• Mining
• Pharmaceutical
• Windows, doors & conservatories
• Translation

The software is suitable for any industry that needs to monitor customer service performance or receives a high volume of email traffic.

Outlook Email Tracker Features

  1. Outlook tracker enables businesses to carry out 2 key features:
    Allows users to track reasons for emails and then take corrective action to reduce them. Recent research has established that the average employee spends 4.1 hours each day checking their email. That’s 20.5 hours each week or 1,000 hours each year.
  2. Allows management to monitor response time to emails to ensure that staff are meeting key SLAs or KPIs, thereby serving as customer service performance software.

Sally Tebbs, New Business Development Manager at PSP-IT said,

The wide range of industries and different types of organisation that have contacted us regarding Outlook Email Tracker show that it can help most businesses in one way or another. Our software is completely unique – you will not find anything else like it. Our customers are delighted to find that there is a tool that can help with monitoring their employee’s interactions with customers and many have found that it has significantly improved both customer satisfaction and employee productivity, potentially saving them thousands of pounds each year. For such a low cost, at less than £200 per licence, they are more than happy”

Security and Data Protection

With security and data protection high on everyone’s agenda this year, enquiries have focused particularly on what is stored by software that monitors any aspect of email communication. The good news is that Outlook Email Tracker only records the “subject” line, “sent to”, “replied to”, “date” and “time” fields along with an email tracking number allocated to each email thread. None of the content of any email is recorded, keeping sensitive information safe and protected.

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